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Meet the Dog Pack of Caring Counseling!

“Dr Casper Dawkins”
Meet Casper Dawkins, Caring Counseling Ministeries Dog Pack’s newest emotional support animal. Casper is very friendly and loves to give cuddles and kisses. Casper has been able to jump right in and work at CCM by providing support to clients and staff alike. Casper likes to chew and sleep except in the early morning. He is definitely loved by everyone who comes into contact with him.

“Butter Bean”
Introducing Elsie! She is also one of the newest member of the Caring Counseling Dog Pack. Elsie is young and sweet and loves to play. Her favorite pastime is ransacking the agency with her best friend Gracie. She also loves to snuggle and snack, but not necessarily in that order. No worries, treats are provided on site.

“Gracie Petunia Piglet”
Meet Gracie Petunia Piglet. Gracie is a Shih Tzu-Bichon mix and a reminder that dynamite really does come in the cutest packages. No matter where she goes, Gracie is the life of the party, which makes her a fan-favorite at the agency. She’s uber-cute, lots of fun, and loves to sit in laps and help snuggle away all that ails ya!

“Precious Paws”
There’s no need to fear, Miss Molly is here! Molly is living proof that no matter how horrific the start, it’s the finish that matters. Found on the mean streets of Carbondale, IL by the dog catcher, she went in to the Humane Shelter half starved, abused, and with a horrific case of PTSD that had her scared of her own shadow. Once she was rescued and loved, she blossomed in to a loving and well-adjusted dog.
She now gives back to the community by giving wags and sympathetic looks to whoever will give her a treat. If the treat is good enough, she will also sit with you while in session and let you stroke her ears.

“Super Dog”
Meet Snickers, a dapper miniature Schnauzer. Once an outcast due to his large ears and nervous tics, he now embraces his idiosyncrasies by helping others. With the gifts of enthusiasm and encouragement, Snickers can be seen frolicking about with his favorite toy, making someone laugh, or comforting an individual. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family. We envision his favorite Bible verses may be,
“He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” -Matthew 11:15
Read more about Snickers here!