by:  Cris Corzine-McCloskey

I think we can all agree we are ready for this Presidential election to be over. I think we can also agree that the fighting and trash-talking will continue no matter which side wins. Gone are the days when both Parties could shake off the agony of defeat, roll up their sleeves, and work with the opposing side for the betterment of our Country. We are so divided! It’s hard to imagine God can or will redeem this mess.

I recently came across a scripture that gave me a lot of hope. It’s Psalm 92:5&6 from The Passion Translation. “What mighty miracles and your power at work. Depths of purpose and layers of meaning saturate everything you do. Such amazing mysteries found within every miracle that nearly everyone seems to miss. Those with no discernment can never really discover the deep and glorious secrets hidden in your ways.”

Depths of purpose and layers of meaning. Amazing miracles that most people don’t even notice. Deep and glorious secrets hidden amid the miraculous. It sounds like God is telling us His miracles are often hidden in the messes.

I have frequently called my life a “progressive miracle.” That was before I read that scripture. Now I think I could better describe my life as a messy miracle. I don’t mind that it’s been messy. The fertilizer made me grow. In fact, in my profession, I see a lot of messy miracles. Come to think of it, that’s all I see. Even Jesus, the biggest miracle of all, had to have His diaper changed. In His infancy, He, too, was messy.

With that in mind, I can look at our Country and take heart. I know God loves us. I know He hasn’t forsaken us, and I know He has a plan. I also know I may not like the plan, and things might get a lot messier before we get to the miraculous. I’ve walked with Jesus long enough to be used to Him not doing things my way.

A few weeks back, I told you no matter who wins this election; it is God-ordained (Romans 13:1). He has already picked the winner, and only He knows why He has chosen them. Whatever His choice is, we can know there will be “depths of purpose and layers of meaning.” Regardless of the outcome, I believe it’s going to be a very messy miracle.

We may need to look hard for the “amazing mysteries found within every miracle that nearly everyone seems to miss,” but they will be there. And they will be for His Kingdom purposes, which may or may not make us comfortable. But God’s ways are always better than ours. I have also walked with Jesus long enough to know our definitions of “good” don’t always agree. I like comfortable. He likes purpose and growth. He desires to have His Kingdom manifest amid our mess.

To quote my King Jesus, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” Now, take a deep breath and pray with me; “Father, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven,” put your chin up, and vote!



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