I find myself praying for wisdom often these days.  Life is getting increasingly complicated, plus, the older I get, the more I’ve figured out I don’t have everything figured out.   The Bible tells me wisdom is mine for the asking (James 1:5), but it also tells me, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).”  So, it’s wise to start there first.  But what exactly is the “fear of the Lord?”

I know a lot of folks who are afraid of God, but that’s not what the Bible’s talking about.  Being fearful of our Heavenly Father, scared He’s mad, causes Christians to become neurotic. That’s not what our loving Heavenly Father wants for His children.

The Jewish people see the fear of the Lord as a positive commandment.  To them, it’s the feeling of “insignificance that comes from contemplating God’s great and wonderful actions and creations (Wikipedia).” The word “fear” also means “to see,” or be in awe of, so we could say the awe of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

I read one commentary that said when we have a reverential awe of the Lord, we have confidence in Him.  I love that so much!  It’s the relationship Jesus had with the Father when He was here on earth.  Jesus had absolute confidence his Father would come through on all His promises.  Jesus literally bet His life on it.

I believe having confidence in the Lord is the entry point to the kind of wisdom God wants us to have.  1 Corinthians tells us the wisdom found in the world is foolishness to God.  Besides, I don’t want more confidence in me.  That will always be misplaced.  I want to have more confidence in God.  I want to believe He is who He says He is; my Holy Father who loves me and fulfills His promises in my life.  I want bold faith.

David had audacious confidence in God.  He said things to God that make us flinch, but God called David a man after His own heart.  While on the run from an army, David wrote this, “So now I’ll lie down and sleep like a baby.  Then I’ll wake in safety, for you surround me with your glory.  Even though 10,000 dark powers prowl around me, I won’t be afraid (Psalms 3:5-6 TPT).”  Human wisdom says, “post a guard.”  Godly wisdom says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them (Psalm 34:7).”

For myself, I feel He’s telling me to keep advancing His Kingdom of love and quit looking at all the reasons why I should play it safe.  Truthfully, I’d be a lot more comfortable if He’d tell me to lay low and wait. Worldly wisdom plays to my fears.  Godly wisdom tells me, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.”

These days there are way too many of us arguing about whether having confidence in God means you should or shouldn’t get vaccinated.  With all due respect, what does that have to do with showing God’s love?  Pick one or the other, get off your soapbox about it, then get out there and advance the Kingdom of love.  Step out in faith.  All of Heaven is backing you.




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