by:  Cris Corzine-McCloskey

As a therapist, I see a lot of people who have a deficit mindset. When I ask how much sleep they are getting, they tell me, “not enough.” How much money do they have? “Not enough.” How much spare time do they have? You get the point. Quite often, when I get to the root of their problem, I discover they don’t think they are “enough.” This mindset is tragic, and arguably the most damaging lie a Christian can believe.

The lie of not enough is so insidious it caused the fall of mankind. Pre-fall, Adam and Eve were perfect people living in a perfect world. Yet, their lives were destroyed when they believed a trash-talking snake who told Eve she didn’t have enough wisdom. He then said eating fruit from a forbidden tree would make her smarter. A nibble of knowledge later, sayonara paradise.

The lie that ruined Eden is still wrecking people’s lives today. Ladies, we never seem to think we are pretty enough, thin enough, or good enough moms. Guys, I see you struggle with feelings of inadequacy in your careers, status, and bank accounts. The singles I talk to often feel they aren’t good enough to find love.

Not enough even creeps into our relationship with Jesus. We measure ourselves with others we believe are more spiritual. We think they pray better (as if there could be lousy prayer!). We know we don’t fast enough. And that tithing thing…well, let’s not talk about that. Then we start getting worried we aren’t religious enough to please God.

Let me set your mind at ease. You are not doing enough to please God. I don’t care how hard you are trying. Not even Mother Teresa or Billy Graham did enough to please God. But this isn’t bad news. It’s the introduction to the best news you will ever hear. There was only one person in the world who was ever good enough to please God. His name is Jesus. By placing our faith in Jesus, we are saved by grace.

Grace is where our not enough is eclipsed by Jesus’ amazingly incredible, superabundant, more than enough. When we understand this, our lives are radically transformed. When we don’t understand this, we continue to have a deprivation mentality.

Think of it this way. If a rich relative dies and leaves you a huge inheritance, it doesn’t do you any good if you don’t believe the lawyer who reads you the will. That’s the state I see most believers in. The rich relative that died was Jesus, and because you are united with him, you’ve inherited the Father’s favor and all the goodies in His house.

I don’t think Jesus carried a billfold. People supported His ministry, but He put someone in charge of the money He knew was stealing from Him. He also never worried about time. In a short three-year ministry, He changed the world. He was humble, so things like status and looks didn’t hit His radar. And He beckons us to follow Him.

The bottom line is this because Christ lives in you, you are glorious! Accept that, and you can get your mind off yourself. Remember, the gospel isn’t designed to make you think less of yourself; it’s designed to make you think about yourself less. Now, blow the dust off your Bible and go read about your inheritance!



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