When we were kids, my brother and I would get excited as gifts started to pile up under the Christmas tree. One year, the biggest gift box we had ever seen appeared. It was huge and heavy, and it had a tag addressed to both of us. We imagined the treasure trove of toys that we were sure awaited us inside that box. On Christmas morning, we eagerly tore into it, filled with anticipation. What did we find? ENCYCLOPEDIAS! All our Christmas dreams were dashed as we stared at an (almost) complete set of (nearly) new (since our mom was a thrifty shopper) World Book Encyclopedias. That was the first time I realized that the real Grinch who steals Christmas is disappointment.

Everyone has dealt with this Grinch, and once it happens, people try various ways to avoid him. Some use the Disaster Preparedness Method. They psych themselves into a pre-holiday state of despair, convincing themselves that their holidays will be terrible. Their reasoning is that if they expect a disappointing Christmas, they won’t feel let down if it actually occurs. It’s like inviting the Grinch to visit so you won’t be surprised when he shows up! If this describes you, you’re ruining weeks just to avoid a few disappointing days. This mindset can also become self-fulfilling because nobody wants to invite Debbie Downer to Christmas dinner.

The other method to avoid the Grinch is the All-In Method. These individuals have been frantically shopping since December 26th, sporting crazy Christmas sweaters, and making strenuous efforts to ensure everyone has the “perfect” gifts and enjoys the “perfect” meal. Unfortunately, they are surrounded by imperfect people who are likely to ruin their holiday vision.

So, whether you choose the Disaster Preparedness Method or the All-In Method, you are setting yourself up for an encounter with the Grinch. What’s a person to do?

We should do what the Whos do! Remember how the Grinch gleefully anticipated the Whos’ disappointment when they discovered their Christmas had been stolen? But the Whos foiled his plans (and won his heart) with their unwavering joy, showing that the Grinch couldn’t steal their love. The Whos understood that love is what Christmas is truly about.

I can already hear the chorus of naysayers: “But you don’t understand! My family doesn’t love me… I’m all alone.” Or, “My family is impossible; they’re hard to love!” Fortunately, Christmas is not about the love of people; it’s about the love of God.

To be Grinched (disappointed), you have to have unmet expectations. This is why God is never disappointed in you. He expects you to be a mess, and you indeed are. He anticipated it so much that He knew He had to intervene on your behalf. So, He sent His Son as the ultimate gift to humanity. Christmas is about “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.”

If you focus on the love of God found in Christ Jesus, you will be Grinch-proof! Plus, like the Grinch, you may discover that your heart is growing, and you want to share some of that love. Go ahead, give it away, and don’t expect anything in return. That’s God’s idea of the Christmas spirit. It’s like wearing Grinch-Replant, which is much more fun than an ugly Christmas sweater.



One response

  1. What a great reminder of what the Celebration of Christmas is all about. For those of us in Christ, must be mindful to be Grinch-Proofed during this season. We are the window for The Light of the world in us!!

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