Is everyone excited about Thanksgiving?  Probably not everyone.  Holidays can be times of distress and rejection.  And when we hurt, it’s like being covered in Velcro.  Every offense, real or imagined, sticks.  But I’m here to help, so I’m going to share some life lessons I’ve learned from our pup, Gracie.

Gracie is, without a doubt, the happiest, most joyful creature I’ve ever met.  I’ve never seen a human or dog that matches her zeal for life.  Nothing and I mean nothing, has the power to knock the doggy smile off her face.

She came into our lives soon after the loss of our beloved dog, Pabu.  We weren’t ready, but God provided, and we accepted her into our home.  But we were grieving, so she had some hearts to win.

Molly, our senior dog, hated Gracie instantly.  She and Pabu had shared a special bond, and she was grief-stricken.  She wouldn’t look at Gracie, and when she did, she would snarl and snap at the pup.  My husband was neutral.  Snickers and I were pushovers.  We couldn’t resist her joy.  But Gracie wasn’t deterred by those who didn’t love her.  She loved them, and that’s all that mattered to her.

A typical day in the life and mind of Gracie:  Wake up, give everyone kisses, especially Molly, because she’s growling at me, so she needs extra kisses.  Yip for joy when the front door opens for a walk because squirrels and kitties need to be chased.  Yip for joy, even more, when you arrive at the workplace.  People there are sad and really need kisses!  But the most joy comes at the end of the day because home is a magical place.  I don’t care if the house is messy, the bills are overdue, or even if the humans aren’t as excited to see me as I am to see them. Clearly, they need extra kisses!!

Gracie seems to think her mission in life is to spread joy and love.  And if those around her don’t share her enthusiasm, her feelings don’t get hurt.  Somehow, she knows it’s a “them problem” and not a “her problem” and loves them anyway.  Rejection = extra love and kisses.  She’s a Teflon doggy because negativity does not stick to her.  It slides right off.  And guess what, her joy is spreading!

Nathan’s wrapped around her little paw and grins when he looks at her.  Molly is now playing more than she has in years!  She still snaps at Gracie, but it’s when she’s teaching Gracie some much-needed doggy manners.  Snickers has never been happier.  Best of all, now, when Gracie starts yipping for joy, the others join in.  The fun and laughter in our home have increased exponentially.  She has reminded us life is a gift to be enjoyed, not a burden to be endured.

Joel Osteen says the “oil of joy” God gives at salvation offers us the ability to have a “no-stick anointing.”  As Believers, we are here to spread joy to others, especially those who don’t act right.  If you were to ask Gracie, she would say rejection is a “them problem” and not a “you problem,” and you can let it slide right off.  We’ve got the choice this Holiday Season to wear Velcro or Teflon. Which would you prefer?




2 Responses

  1. Oh, Gracie, you are such a good example of unconditional love that we can see and a good teacher, too. This will remind me to hide my velcro

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